
2 Corinthians 6:18 – “I will be a Father to you, And you shall be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty.”

Whether some of us had or still have a biological father, it is not uncommon to have felt rejection, abandonment, criticism, inferior, disapproved by these imperfect human beings, who tried their best to give us their best.

And to some of us who have had these feelings, it is a comforting thought when we think of the Lord Almighty as a Father, Who by His infinite grace, mercy and love, adopted us as His children, sons and daughters, and Who calls us each one by name.

One of the most beautiful stories told by Jesus, is the story of the lost son, (Luke 15:11-31), who was by all means quite irresponsible. As the son of a very wealthy father, this young man spends all his inheritance in a short period of time, and when he finds himself broke and hungry he realizes that there was no better place for him to be than at his father’s house. The character and love of his father is shown when he sees his son at a distance, returning home, and the father runs towards him, throws his arms around him, and kisses him.

A very small illustration of the love our Father God has and feels for all who seek Him.

God the Father wants us back, as His beloved children. He is waiting to receive us with His arms wide open; He is the only one Who has promised to never leave or forsake us; He loves us with an everlasting love that transcends all human understanding.


Thank you Father God for loving me and taking me in as your own. Thank you for Your compassion and for showing me Your everlasting love. In Jesus’ name, Amen.



  1. Mathew
    29 Mar 2021 16:40:04 Reply

    Praise the Lord, Pastor.

    May I ask if we have online service for the 29th of March.

  2. Shivaram
    30 Mar 2021 18:30:55 Reply

    Amen..Praise to the LORD Almighty Loving Gracious Father GOD.

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