Fear GOD only


“You who fear the Lord, praise Him!All you descendants of Jacob, glorify Him, And fear Him, all you offspring of Israel!” Psalm 22:23 

Fear of the LORD is the beginning of Wisdom.

We see that fear cripples mind and body. Fear of tragedies, fear of loss, fear of diseases are some of the fears that we see amongst us. But the Bible says, there should exist only one form of Fear in the hearts and minds of children of GOD and that is a Reverential Fear of GOD. This is the only form of fear that is permissible for us. 

A child of GOD should not fear any evil. Fear of GOD is not like the fear of this world. Fear of GOD makes us wise, Fear of GOD makes us fearless and courageous. The equation is, when we fear GOD we stay away from doing wrongful acts and the consequences that flow out of such acts. Hence keeping  troubles at a bay and leading a life that is honest and stress free. 

So, lets lead a fearless life glorifying our LORD Jesus.



  1. Mids Luke
    11 Aug 2019 06:10:36 Reply

    Simple , yet a defining and powerful message. Pray that as many people understand this as early in life. Amen!

  2. Narasimulu
    11 Aug 2019 13:02:02 Reply

    Beautiful Word of God about fear. Let God strengthen us come out from fear. May God bless all of us

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