Fear the Lord


Psalm 111:10 (NKJV) – The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; A good understanding have all those who do His commandments. His praise endures forever.

When we know God for who He is, it is the dawn of our wisdom. As we grow in our relationship with God, we understand His nature and power more profoundly. He is above all things, the creator of this Universe. We fear God because we understand Him more.

When we fear God and understand His word, we know that we need to live a righteous life, free of sin. He is a loving and merciful Father, but He is also a just God, and as the Bible says in 2 Corinthians 5:10, we will appear before Him and receive judgment for our actions on earth. Fearing God means respecting Him and obeying Him.

If we obey God and live by His commandments, we will live righteous lives. We will enforce His word in our lives and comprehend how He wants us to lead our life. God loves us unconditionally, and no matter how many times we falter, He is there to hold our hand and bring us back to the path He has chosen for us. God’s love for us is such that He sacrificed His only son, Jesus Christ, our Lord, for the atonement of our sins.

Praise God and His works always because our God is unchanging. He is the same yesterday and today and will remain the same tomorrow. No matter what struggles we are going through, we can rejoice in the wisdom that God is there for us and will never forsake us.


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