Fight Fear with Faith


2 Timothy 1:7

For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.

Fear and cowardice…we all feel it. Some because of situations, others because of hurtful experiences and some as a part of our personalities. Paul knew Timothy was someone who was facing this while doing ministry and encouraged him to recognize that these feelings are not from the Lord. Rather, Paul encouraged him to receive what the Lord has lavished on us all…the Spirit of Power, Love and a Sound Mind.

Beloved, you don’t need to lose your mind out of exhaustion and pressure. You don’t need to worry about your future, whether things will fall in your favour or not. You don’t need to struggle with forgiveness or bitterness. You just need to know that you are grounded and rooted in Christ Jesus. Trade with Him your fears, insecurities, pains, shortcomings, frailty, etc. Give it all to Jesus, shattered dreams, wounded hearts, and broken lives. Learn to recognize your feelings and assess them on the scale on this verse…then declare in absolute faith, until your mind is ringing with this truth and all anxiety, sense of lack and doubt vanishes. Rely on His Word and receive His mighty power, look through His eyes and you will be able to love genuinely like He loves, submit to His precious Holy Spirit for a sound mind and a disciplined life, in Jesus’ Name!


One Comment

  1. Ramakrishna
    29 Apr 2020 22:54:49 Reply

    To fight fear, need to surrender and submit to God is essential. Submitt with humility is another one is necessary. When i commit sin i ask forgiveness and repent and give up. Lord comforts me and leads me into His righteous path. To overcome this world even our Lord Jesus went through several troubles from pharisees and sadducees. But overcame the world by defeated sin, grave and death.
    So, let’s depend on God our Heavenly Father. He rescues us, help us overcome worldly things and evil snares of evil forces.
    Loving Heavenly Father thank you for your mercy, grace and compassion. Thank you for protecting us from all dangers of this world. In the precious name of Jesus Christ I pray. AMEN

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