Find Refuge in God


Deuteronomy 33:27 – “The eternal God is thy refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms: and he shall thrust out the enemy from before thee; and shall say, destroy them.”

A refuge is a place we turn to when we want to feel safe or sheltered from danger and difficulty. People from war-torn regions seek refuge outside their country. A child who’s hurt may seek refuge in a mother’s arms. After a frustrating day, an overwhelmed employee might turn to television, social media or food for refuge.

We look for refuge when we feel hurt, angry, overwhelmed, upset, disappointed, lonely or plain tired. But we often look for it in the wrong places. In today’s verse we see Moses proclaiming a blessing over the 12 tribes, reminding them that the eternal God is their refuge. The same God who led the Israelites through the wilderness and into the promised land is guiding us in our day to day life now. Do we remember to turn to Him for refuge?

Our God never changes. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. His arms are always underneath you, ready to catch you if you falter. If you’re in the midst of fierce battles that are raging in your life, remember that the Lord is fighting on your side. Find refuge in the Lord and let Him protect you from evil. When you feel afraid, remember God’s sheltering protection is over you and His arms are there to support you.


One Comment

    19 Nov 2018 08:35:57 Reply

    Blessed to read the daily devotion. Feeling blessed as these are simple and easy to understand. Bounded by God love. Pls pray for me to be close to him by offering him worship and daily family prayer. Praying for your ministry. God bless you

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