Follow Him Daily


Luke 9:23 – And he said to them all, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me.

Every day there are things that come against us, distractions that would try to pull us away from our faith in Christ. That’s why Jesus said that every day we have to make the choice to follow Him. Sometimes it’s easy to think, “Well, I go to church regularly” or “I read my Bible on Sundays.” But really, the Christian life isn’t about how we live on the weekends, it’s how we live every single day. Are you spending time with Him, daily? Are you reaching out and putting others first, daily? Are you sowing seeds to help those in need, daily?

If you know you need to make some adjustments in your daily walk with Him, the good news is that you can start right now, today. Just simply turn to Him and make the commitment to follow Him moment by moment. Let Him direct your steps and follow that inner prompting of the Holy Spirit. Make the choice every day to follow Him and watch what He will do on your behalf!

Father God, thank You for another day to serve and follow You. Search my heart and mind right now and remove anything that would keep me from Your holy presence. I choose to keep my mind on You as I follow Your steps. In Jesus’ Name… Amen!
