Forever He is Faithful


Psalm 119:89-90 “Forever, O Lord, Your word is settled in heaven. Your faithfulness endures to all generations; You established the earth, and it abides.”

Anybody who trusts and loves God will long to hear from Him. However, today, many of us are doubtful of the fact that it was God who really said that. Why did God let this happen to me? Is this the promise of God that He wants me to claim?

Why do we believe or rely on God’s words? We agree that the Bible is the inspired word of God (2 Timothy 3:16). We are aware that God’s word is infallible and unchanging. His words remain unchanging no matter how things change or how the culture shifts. The heavens hold His word in place.

The phrase “God said” is mentioned to describe the beginning and history of each of God’s creations. God said, “Let there be light,” and light appeared (Genesis 1:3). Whatever God said in the history of creation was created and settled forever. (Genesis 1)

Although we knew this, time and time again, through life’s toughest battles, challenges our faith in the Lord had led us to hit a faith barrier, especially when we faced some losses, challenges, addictions that couldn’t be easily broken, etc. How can we overcome this? In Psalm 119:89–90, we gain this wise perception of the faithfulness of God that lasts beyond any of our momentary discomforts.

Let us train our minds not to heed Satan. Indeed, the fall of mankind began when Satan questioned and instilled doubt in Eve by asking, “Did God really say that?” (Genesis 3:1). No matter what, we truly can trust Him for eternity. Let us turn our attention to the eternal, unchanging word of God. His faithfulness endures not only to ours but also our generations to come.

Whose statements do we prefer to trust? Clearly, He was the doer of the word, whose promises He fulfilled for many in the scriptures.


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