Free will is not freedom.


2 Corinthians 3: 17

Now the Lord is that spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is there is liberty.

If you know the Lord; you will know freedom. This freedom is not the kind of definition the world practices or understands. The freedom of the Lord and knowing him is the freedom of knowing your soul and spirit. A relationship does not come with knowing a few things about another human being; rather one builds a relationship. It takes time. And when the time has served its purpose it creates freedom. And then you know.

There is true liberty in being hungry and thirsty for the Lord. The more you know the Holy Spirit the more you build on your relationship with him. It takes time. This freedom is beyond space and matter and everything around us. Knowing and walking in the freedom of his grace and peace is like destroying every kind and form of wall one can have in life.The walls of anger, jealousy, gossip, covetousness, materialistic gain or even money.

But one needs to walk with him, in him and through him. Just knowing his name is not enough. Taste and see that the Lord is good. Yet there is more to him. There is a fullness of life to him. He is beyond life itself. Beyond what one can see and know. Beyond your degrees, your family, your cars and your houses. He is the spirit of the Lord. The power of truth and spirit reside in him and if we want to know this truth we need to walk with his Holy Spirit. You will hear him if you are willing and you will see him if you are sensitive to him. You need to acknowledge his presence everytime and everyday. Talk to him at all times and you will know freedom.



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