Generosity with a purpose


Psalms 145:16 (KJV)
Thou openest thine hand, and satisfiest the desire of every living thing.

In today’s world going beyond the generic perception that generosity is to do only with money, is more like walking out of our comfort zone. We must strive to explore how generosity needs to be demonstrated in our relationships,church and everyday lives. In other words we must understand and believe that generosity is a lifestyle which is an essential response to the gospel.

So what is generosity? There will never be a greater example of generosity than God himself- He gave us the most generous gift ever: His son Jesus. Let us understand this truth of generosity on a deeper note, “for God so greatly loved the world that He gave up His only begotten Son, so that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.” When we closely look into this scripture, we see how God had a purpose behind this act of generosity, a noble purpose, where God gave up His only son to reconcile with His children.

Imagine what would happen if the church began to respond to God’s generosity (purpose) and started living it out? What would happen if children of God were known for extravagant generosity? What would happen if our neighbours, coworkers and strangers took notice? Let us explore what purpose driven generosity looks like.

As children of God, we are called not only to be blessed but also be blessings, God can use our purpose driven generosity to spread the gospel and change lives. God bless!


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