Get Over Your Past


Ecclesiastes 7:10 – Say not, “Why were the former days better than these?” For it is not from wisdom that you ask this.

All of us have had mixed experiences while growing up. There are those fun times and good days that stand fresh in our memory. We wish life could be that simple now, even as we battle daily challenges to stay afloat in a stormy season. On the other hand, we’ve had negative experiences too – bad choices we made, horrible things others did to us, that might cause us a lot of regret and heartache now.

Today’s key verse from Ecclesiastes reminds us that it is not wise to ponder why the former days were better than our current moments. Whether our past was good or bad, we are not living there now. We’ve moved on, but we cannot move forward unless we cut off the negative ties that bind us to our past. Wishful thinking and regret will prevent from stepping into the glorious future that God has planned for you.

When you allowed Jesus to reign supreme over your life, you became a new creation. You are no longer defined by who you were, or what you did in the past. You are defined by who God says you are, and He calls you His child. Every father wants what’s best for his child. Wouldn’t your Heavenly Father want the same for you, if not more? Stop looking back at the life that was. Turn around and look upward. God has wonderful plans for your life that will ultimately work for your good and His glory!
