Give God Alone All the Glory


Psalm 86:9 – “All nations whom You have made shall come and worship before You, O Lord, and shall glorify Your name.”

King David was one of the finest kings in Israel’s history. He was not without fault, but he had a heart of repentance. His complete reliance on God made him a cut above the rest. For all his wealth and conquests, David still humbled himself in the presence of God and admitted he needed God’s grace.

Several phrases from Psalm 86 depict King David’s utter reliance on God.

•  I am poor and needy. (Psalm 86:1)
•  Save your servant, who trusts in you—you are my God. (Psalm 86:2)
•  To you do I cry all the day. (Psalm 86:3)
•  Listen to my plea for grace. (Psalm 86:6)
•  In the day of my trouble I call upon you. (Psalm 86:7)
•  You alone are God. (Psalm 86:10)
•  You have delivered my soul. (Psalm 86:13)
•  Turn to me and be gracious to me. (Psalm 86:16)
•  Give your strength to your servant. (Psalm 86:16)
•  You, LORD, have helped me and comforted me. (Psalm 86:17)

It’s no secret that the tremendous success David had as king was due to God’s grace on his life. And he gave credit where credit was due. He gave God alone all the glory during his lifetime. Even at those times when he faltered, became prideful and relied on his own might, he still repented and turned back to God.

Do you want to be victorious in your own life? Trust in the Lord – rely on Him alone. Present all your requests in faith to Him. Let our Lord Jesus Christ give you the wisdom, strength and grace you need for each day. And when you see the mighty hand of God at work in your life, give Him all the glory… and praise Him for all that He’s done.



  1. Martha Udom
    21 Jun 2020 07:47:34 Reply

    Blessed with your morning devotion from Psalm 86 truly God 🙏 is 💯 gracious to us.

  2. Karuna Masih
    21 Jun 2020 10:00:13 Reply

    Thank you Jesus for wonderful word of God. Thank you Pastor for wonderful daily devotions.

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