Give God the Glory


Isaiah 42:8 – “I am the Lord, that is My name; And My glory I will not give to another, Nor My praise to carved images.”

We all love to be acknowledged when we do something great. More so in this age of social media where accomplishments are shared, not just with immediate family and friends, but with hundreds of acquaintances we don’t really know personally. We live in a culture of likes and the more we’re recognized for our accomplishments, the better we feel.

We like to be praised and thrive off the attention we get when we post something on social media. But consider the alternative for a minute. Could any of us actually do anything worthy without the wisdom, grace and strength of our Lord Jesus Christ? It’s the talents He’s given us that shine when we try our hand at something creative. It’s the Lord’s grace that fuels everything we excel at.

The next time you’re tempted to get immersed in an app, consider where your attention lies. When posting your latest accomplishment, take a second to humble yourself and acknowledge that it’s the Lord who has brought you so far. Let’s strive to give God alone the glory for what He’s doing in our lives. And the next time we find ourselves mindlessly scrolling through an endless stream of images, may we remember that it’s the Lord alone who can satisfy us.



  1. Ramakrishna
    29 Oct 2020 08:54:47 Reply

    Praise the Lord. Yes Lord Jesus is deserves all the glory and honour. He satisfied /satisfies all our physical /spiritual needs. He’s good because His love endures forever and forever.
    Loving Heavenly Father thank you for your goodness, gentleness, patience, longsuffering and sacrificial love.
    In the mighty matchless name of Jesus I pray. Amen

  2. Sarah
    30 Oct 2020 14:38:24 Reply

    All Glory , Honour & Praise to the One & Only God – The Creator of me, who enables me to understand & gives me the wisdom to experience the Truth that HE ALONE IS GOD. HE ALONE DESERVES THE PRAISE, GLORY & HONOUR. In every situation/ circumstances HE is there in it. Thank you Father.

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