Giver of Good Gifts


James 1:17

“Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning.”

If you are reading this today, you have been the recipient of God’s lavish grace. The fact that you woke up this morning and you’re looking at a device with an internet connection is proof that you’re experiencing a privilege many around the globe (or even in your city) don’t have. Today’s verse reminds us that every good and perfect gift is from our Father above. But we rarely appreciate something until we lose it.

When we fall sick, then we remember the good health we had. When the internet is disconnected, we realize how much we’ve taken it for granted. Recognizing the little good things we’ve received (directly or indirectly) from God and thanking Him for it, goes a long way in building an intimate relationship with Him.

From the gift of salvation to the ability to hold a job, from food on the table to strength for the day – every little thing is a gift from God. Today, spend a few minutes thanking God for His blessings and don’t forget to praise Him for who He is – the unchanging Master of the universe and a loving Father. When you seek the Giver more than you seek His gifts, you will never be disappointed.



  1. Nicholas Pink
    07 Jun 2022 05:22:16 Reply

    Lord. I thank you for the wonderful gifts you gave us and given to us unknowingly, thank for everything lord. Lord. Be with us guide us and protect us in Jesus name I pray Amen 🙏 Hallelujah 🙌

  2. Lata Nitesh Anger
    07 Jun 2022 10:39:44 Reply

    Praise the lord, thank you lord for all his blessings on me and my family… Many more to come. All glory to our almighty Lord Jesus

  3. Flenny
    07 Jun 2022 11:12:40 Reply

    Thank you Jesus for everything you have done in my life. You are my Everything. My KING MY GOD MY LORD

  4. Jasmine Monthero
    09 Sep 2022 21:12:46 Reply

    Thankyou Lord for being with us and taking care of us We bring Praise and glory to your name Lord we thankyou for enabling us to worship you in this church

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