Giving back in a click


Honour the Lord with your possessions, And with the first fruits of all your increase; So your barns will be filled with plenty, And your vats will overflow with new wine. Proverbs 3:9-10

In our tech-driven cities, Proverbs 3:9-10 pops up like a notification. It reminds us to honour God with our wealth, even when our wallets and phones seem like one. These verses urge us to give our first fruits to God. He promises to fill our “virtual barns” and “digital vats” with blessings, overflowing with upgrades.

Imagine scrolling through your phone, managing apps and investments. Suddenly, this verse appears. It’s a spiritual reminder to pause. Consider where your wealth truly comes from. It’s like a pop-up ad nudging you to prioritize God over the newest gadget.

In our fast-paced world, success can be all-consuming. Giving back can be forgotten. These verses are like a GPS rerouting us. They steer us back to gratitude and being good stewards. So, whether you’re coding, sipping trendy coffee, or closing a deal, remember to honour God and thank Him for His provision.

For believers, “first fruits” means dedicating the first and best part of their earnings to God. It’s trusting in His provision and control. It’s an act of faith and obedience, showing gratitude for His faithfulness and acknowledging Him as the source of all blessings.

These verses highlight the importance of a grateful heart in our complex lives. As believers navigating the digital world, let’s honour God, be thankful, and trust His promises. Proverbs 3:9-10 teaches us that in a world of technology, it’s the heart that truly matters. So, keep your wallets open, phones charged, and spirits connected to the ultimate Tech Support above. In all things, including giving our first fruits, let’s cheerfully do so, for God loves a cheerful giver.


One Comment

  1. LRamkrishna
    18 May 2024 05:08:05 Reply

    Praise God
    giving only ten percent, recieving hundred folds . How good our God He is generous. though the Creator of everything and everyone.He become a servant King 👑.His humility, generosity and kindness, above all , the agape sacrificial love is greatest gift 🎁 ever given to the humanity.
    oh what a awesome, wonderful God we serve.
    thank you heavenly Father for your abundant grace and mercy, the life you laid down for all of us on the cross of Calvery.. Praise and adore and honour and submit and surrender to you. in the precious name of Lord of lords I pray
    God bless

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