Glorious Exchange


Who Himself bore our sins in His own body on the tree, that we, having died to sins, might live for righteousness—by Whose stripes you were healed. 1 Peter 2:24

Jesus Christ was nailed, for our sake, on the tree- ‘the Cross’. Indeed, crucifixion is the most humiliating and painful punishment the Romans designed. The condemned dies a slow and torturous death hanging on wood, which takes days to finish. Adding to the torment, he is at the mercy of nature and the animals around him. After crucifixion, their loved ones will not even want to come by as their bodies disfigure unrecognizably. Jesus Christ, our Saviour, took all the world’s sins and bore them in his body on that cursed tree.

So, let’s ask ourselves if we are belittling this glorious exchange by living a life of sin. Have we left our sins on that cross for good, or are we crucifying the son of God time after time(Hebrews 6:6)? Christ’s death on the cross won us victory over every one of our sins. Besides, we can live a life of righteousness, with the ever-present help of the Holy Spirit. Our righteousness is by faith in the finished work of Christ and not by our good work. Remember, all our best deeds could never bring us closer to God.

Thus, let’s receive God’s healing for our souls by Jesus’s stripes and break free from every sin and abuse. Our Saviour’s body was striped by bones, nails, and thorns ripping through His flesh and sinews. In return for our Savior’s love, let’s rip off sin and associated pleasures in our lives. Let us humbly align our hearts with God’s ways. In God’s presence, there is fullness of joy and pleasures. He will show you the path of life(Psalm 16:11).


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