Glory of God


“The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament shows His handiwork”. Psalm 19:1

God is full of glory and wonder. All creation testifies to His magnificent work. There is plenty of evidence to believe in the power and majesty of the Maker, the God who made the heavens and the earth. Consequently, humankind has no excuse for neglecting the existence of God Almighty (Romans 1:20).

We have been trying to explore the heavens for years now. However, we still have not even scratched the surface of the expanse above us. While scientists are still trying to understand God’s handiwork, David got a revelation of His glory through creation centuries ago. In his psalm, he praises the creativity of God as revealed through the world around him. Speech and voices of nature are mentioned in this age-old psalm, while sound waves were discovered only 120 years ago. While astronomers are still discovering galaxies, we read in the Bible that God made the stars also (Genesis 1: 16). Long story short, science is confirming the word and works of God!

The purpose of our creation, like the entire universe, is to discover and declare the glory of God Almighty. When we stop focusing inwardly but instead focus on God, His glory reveals in our circumstances. The Maker of the whole universe is always by our sides. As we walk close to God, divine discoveries and inventions will unfold in our lives. All we have to do is draw near to Him.


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