God, the giver of wisdom


James 1:5:  If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not, and it shall be given him.

James, the writer of this epistle encourages us to go to God for wisdom.  Only God can fill us with wisdom that the books and the world cannot give.  He is Wisdom, and the source of all wisdom is therefore in Him.  He does not measure what He gives.  He gives it liberally, in abundance.  He does not criticize us of the wrongs that we have done in the past neither is He scared if we will abuse His gifts in the future.

God wants us to go to Him for everything.  He has a big heart and that too a liberal one.  He is bounteous and freehanded.  He never withholds anything, no good thing does He withhold.  Wisdom has to be a much sought after gift from God.  We can do nothing without wisdom.  Wealth and riches will not buy us wisdom and character.  Solomon, the king, did not ask for wealth or fame when God asked him what he wanted.  He knew what is the secret of being really rich.  He just asked exactly what was needed for him, and that was wisdom.  There is nothing in this world that can be done without wisdom.  We need to be filled with godly wisdom in order for us to live and handle ourselves in this world that is so full of corruption and sin.

We need the Holy Spirit to be our Teacher and our Guide and to teach us to be wise.  Ask God if you lack wisdom because He knows that you need it more than anything in the world.


