God Gives Peace


My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest. Exodus 33:14

Rest can be described as the peace that flows into our lives, irrespective of the seasons that we are in. God tells us in this verse that His presence will give us the much required peace and calmness that we need today.

Amidst the turmoil around and the circumstances that we go through, it is only His presence that can give us the peace within us. His presence in our lives adds a whole new dimension, meaning and purpose to us. His presence restores and refreshes us. His presence renews our strength. His presence protects and blesses us.

However we need to desire for His presence and place our trust in Him to enjoy the rest or peace that God has promised us.
When we trust in the Lord during our difficult times, His presence will flow into our lives and give us peace. The Bible says in Isaiah 26:3 “You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you.”

Mathew 11:28, says “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”
Friends, trust in the Lord and continue to belong to Him. He will satisfy us with good things, make our ways straight and bless us with perfect peace during our journey.



  1. Neena Macwan
    04 Feb 2021 06:54:50 Reply

    prayer for my family especially all my kids. health wealth happiness and peaceful life amen

    • Bethel Team
      04 Feb 2021 17:57:30 Reply


      Sure. Praying for your children. May God show his favor on your life!


  2. Punyavathi
    04 Feb 2021 07:12:42 Reply

    Pray for me paster. Iam going so many problems in life. Working are

    • Bethel Team
      04 Feb 2021 17:56:24 Reply


      Praying that God will deliver you from your problems. Our God is a wonder working God. There is nothing impossible with Him. Trust in Him.
      He will take care of all your needs.


  3. Ramakrishna
    04 Feb 2021 09:19:07 Reply

    Praise the Lord, Pastor. Thank you for today’s promise word. It’s exclusively for me. I give thanks to the Lord Jesus. Because, He put me in right track. He saved me,shed blood for me. He took all my inequities, transgressions, worst sins of childhood and youth days. I was looking soft, good and innocent but Lord transformed me.He
    died for me and gave His precious life for me. Moreover, before I was born. He has a purpose in my life to serve Him as Parking Ministry’s volunteer. I have a fantastic team leader. Lovable team. They shared my distress through prayers to living God. I am happy, rejoicing in the Lord oh.. I couldn’t express myself.
    Thank you Heavenly father for your agape love. I give all the glory, honour to you alone. In mighty name of Jesus i pray Amen πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ˜‡πŸ˜ƒ

  4. Pankaja Rajashekar
    04 Feb 2021 12:12:06 Reply

    Amen thank you Lord for your presence in all the way πŸ™πŸΌπŸ™Œ

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