God Goes with You


Deuteronomy 31:6 – “Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the Lord your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you.”

It’s the sweetest thing to see little children tightly clutching their parents’ fingers. It brings them a sense of security when a parent is right there with them. On the flip side, can you imagine the anguish a child might experience if their parents were not to be found? A child’s confidence is bolstered when they know that someone they trust is with them – to comfort, help, guide and take care of their needs.

We are no different. We may think we have it all – the knowledge, skills and aptitude to succeed in life. But without God, we are nothing. The stalwarts of the Bible understood this truth. They did not rely on their own wisdom and strength. They wholeheartedly trusted that God was with them – He would never leave them nor forsake them.

You might have to traverse unknown paths in your life. It’s normal to feel anxious when you don’t know what’s ahead. But you’re not going to walk alone. The Lord your God is with you. Strengthen yourself in the Lord, hold tight to His promises, trust that your Heavenly Father is not going to let you out of His sight. No matter how daunting the future might seem, He will give you the courage to keep moving forward and excel for His glory.


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