GOD goes with you


For the Lord, your God is the one who goes with you to fight for you against your enemies to give you victory.” Deuteronomy 20:4 


Remember, when we were kids, if we had to go out of our homes to a picnic or an outing with friends, the first question coming from our parents or guardians was, “ Who is coming with you?”. Well, this was a question asked by every responsible parent because they believed that if their child is accompanied by someone of good repute and responsibility, their child will also be in safe hands. 

Today, we have to ask ourselves the question, as responsible adults “Who is going with me”?  And the answer to this question is provided by GOD in Deuteronomy chapter 20:4, “God is the one who goes with you to fight for you against your enemies to give you victory.”

The beauty of the above verse is that it assures us that, GOD is WITH us, FOR us, and GIVES us. How wonderful it is to walk with HIM, and to be assured that HE is going with you everywhere. When we are stuck in traffic jams, when we are sitting lonely at home, when we are lying on a hospital bed, when we are going through the loss of a near and dear one, when we are depressed, let us deliberately remember this verse, “God is the one who goes with you to fight for you against your enemies to give you victory.” 




  1. PGMomin Momin
    12 Jan 2021 09:57:36 Reply

    It’s great blessing , God speaks through pastor, I have been listening on every Sunday service messages

  2. Lynett Pinto
    12 Jan 2021 12:55:20 Reply

    Please send me prayer of “Declaration”

    I love the prayer but can’t remember it so I’m requesting to send it to me.

  3. Ramakrishna
    12 Jan 2021 20:06:25 Reply

    Praise God, truly God goes before me to guide and help. In my loneliness He’s my friend. In my anxiety He’s my comfort. He’s is amazing, marvelous and wonderful. His character cannot be described. Amen

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