God is by your side


Psalm 18:29 – “For by you I can run against a troop, and by my God I can leap over a wall.”

In Psalm 18, we see David looking up to God as his commanding officer, his leader in battle. The Psalm refers to a time when God rescued David from his enemies, and from the hand of Saul who sought to kill him. David acknowledged that it was only with God by His side that he could run through a troop of enemy soldiers. David likens God’s help to a soldier helping his comrade scale a wall.

The same God who was by David’s side centuries ago is with us now. But do we acknowledge His presence in our daily life? Too often we try to navigate our hurdles alone, not realizing that we can call on the Lord for help, any time of night or day. Do you face physical, emotional, financial or even spiritual challenges in your life? The God who helped David as a shepherd boy and as a king longs to help you too.

Acknowledge the presence of God in your life and turn to Him, but not just when you need Him. As you build an intimate relationship with Jesus, His presence will envelope you, and you will have the assurance that He is by your side always. You have nothing to fear.
