God is just a call away


But know that the Lord hath set apart him that is godly for himself: the Lord will hear when I call unto him.
Psalms 4:3 

At the need of the hour, we expect timely help and support. Sometimes physical assistance, at times monetary resources and many of the times it could be all the above. While earthly sources could fail us, children of God enjoy His everlasting presence. A God who is self-sufficient, a God who hears, a God who sees, a God who provides. This assurance we experience is more than what we can comprehend at times.

God is aware of everything we go through, everything from big to small, significant to minute, God is aware of it all. Although there are moments in our lives that appear as if God’s time is taking a long time, remember God always comes through on time in every situation we encounter in life. While psalms 4:3 says But know that the Lord hath set apart him that is godly for himself: the Lord will hear when I call unto him. David emphasised that God sets apart the holy for Himself from the unholy so that when the set apart reach Him, God will hear them.

The key to our prayers is given to us, should we not praise God for His goodness? His word is perfected in every aspect, His word has power, His word have promises. God’s heart is for the holy and it is through the scriptures we discover that God’s timing and our obedience to follow Him and His word is linked to our victory. Victory in all aspects of one’s life!


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