He Forgives and Forgets!


He will not always accuse, nor will he harbor his anger forever; – Psalm 103:9 (NIV)

The Bible says that our Lord’s anger is momentary, but His love is for eternity. Yes, God gets angry; because He can not tolerate sin (Psalm 7:11). His anger is against anything that keeps us away from Him. Yet, He patiently bears us, teaching and guiding us as we grow and mature in Christ. God is for us, not against us, and God loves us with an everlasting love.

Every life experience shapes us in some way, and experiencing God is no different. Some experiences make us bitter and distant from God because we misunderstand the ways of God. Our understanding of the Lord is based on the level of our intimacy with Him.

Irrespective of what we think of God, the fact remains that God is slow to anger and abounding or plenty in mercy. Despite our shortcomings, He offers us forgiveness when we confess our sins. This is the essence of the gospel that God loves us very much. Even though we don’t deserve His forgiveness, He is willing to forgive us and save us from the penalty of our sin. We may never be able to understand why God loves us so very much and would so freely forgive us our sins.

When we allow the Holy Spirit to teach us the truth about God, He will mold and fashion us, reshape us–transforming our heart and mind into understanding the truth about God in more profound ways than we can ever imagine. We then come to a place in our spiritual walk to confidently declare – God is good all the time.
May God stir up our faith and our passion for understanding that our God is Holy; therefore, He detests sin. But for those willing to repent – His arms are always wide open to receive us.

God is not angry with us. He forgives and forgets our sins!


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