God is our Strength and Power


2 Samuel 22:33-34
God is my strength and power, And He makes my way perfect. He makes my feet like the feet of deer, And sets me on my high places.

The context of the above scripture is David’s victory. Lord has delivered him from all his enemies and from Saul. We see in the chapters before God had enabled David to right all wrongs and defeat all his enemies. Being a king, David doesn’t credit himself or his team for this but gives glory to God.

David recognizes that “his help comes from the Lord. Maker of heaven and earth”. As David remembers in Psalm 23 that “His rod and staff they comfort me” so here he recognizes God is the blesser of his strength, power, and firmness.

David’s God is our God as well and He has not stopped equipping His children. When we call upon Him, He will surely bless us with the strength and power that we need to face any giants of our lives. When we seek His will He will surely make our path perfect. He enables us to stand firm in the face of adversity what we may face and through Him, we are always “head”. He leads us to victories that are probably above our abilities. He is able.

Like David God will make our way perfect (2 Sam. 22:33), give us success in all our undertakings, and set us upon our high places (2 Sam. 22:34), thus blessing us with both safety and dignity.
All we have to do is demonstrate faith and trust in Him. Dwell in His presence all the days of our life. Know Him, grow in Him, enjoy the green pasture, and be like trees planted by the riverside always flourishing for His glory.

Blessed Day Ahead.


One Comment

  1. Jessy Koshy
    17 Mar 2023 06:22:47 Reply

    Lord make my way perfect, give us success in all our undertakings and set us upon high places….. thanku for the beautiful thought Lord bless this ministry.

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