He is Worthy


Revelation 4:11 “You are worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power; for You created all things, and by Your will they exist and were created”

In Revelation 4, John, the disciple of Jesus, gets a glimpse of the throne room in heaven. He was in awe of wonder of the one who was sitting on the throne and how creatures, elders and angels centered around Him. Day and night, they never stopped praising him. All the elders cast their crowns before the Lord on the throne and worshipped Him who lives for ever and ever. It is awe-inspiring to remind people that Jesus Christ, the lamb who was slain, is worthy of worship.

Yes, God is worthy of all our praise and honor because He is our creator and savior. Because of His will, we are alive today. We have a new life because He purchased it for us with Christ’s blood. Every encounter He has had with us has left us in awe of His majesty.

Every day we go to God for our needs, and we thank Him for His goodness in our lives. We see God in a variety of contexts. You may know the Lord God as your father, your comforter, your friend, your prayer-answering God, your provider, your healer, your banner, your sanctifier, your peace, your shepherd, and your righteousness. However, many times we forget His Sovereignty to show our reverence towards God.

Imagine, if we must meet the people in authority, who could be corporate higher officials, government authorities, leaders, etc., how much preparation and effort we need to put forth in order to get their appointments. Have we ever imagined the one whom we are meeting every day, every moment of our lives? Are we so reluctant to enter His presence? Are we taking Him and His presence for granted?

Greatness, power, glory, victory, and honor belong to God. He creates everything and He is the head, the ruler over everything. He is worthy to receive glory and honor and power. Let us remember that every time we go to God, we enter the throne room of Heaven. The elders cast their crowns with due respect and worshipped God. How much respect we should give to God on our daily walk with Him?

When we have a reverent attitude towards God, we will honor Him, express our gratitude to Him, and obey His Words. We should be reverent in our behavior as well as your attitude.

It is not only with our lips that we glorify and exalt God, but it is also through our lives that we must express this in action! In every detail of our lives, let us glorify God the Father and bring Him honor because He is so worthy!


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