God is worthy of praise


Psalm 9:1:  I will praise you O Lord, with my whole heart, I will tell of all your marvelous works.

Praising God should come from the depth of the heart.  The psalmist here wants to declare about all the marvelous works of God.  When should we praise God? The Bible says to praise God at all times, irrespective of the situation that we are in.

Praising God is not just a lip-movement service.  It needs to come from deep within our soul.  It is so comfortable to praise Him from our hearts when we are happy and healthy, but during troubled times, it is not so.  Everyone goes through seasons of bad and good times, but God remains the same at all times and in all the seasons of our life.  He does not stop loving us when we are having a rough day neither does He love us more on a good day.  He loves us just the same in any given season and time.  Because of this nature of His, He is worth ten thousands of praise.  He deserves to be praised from the bottom of our hearts, laying aside every other feelings that might stand in the way of praising Him.  God is worth telling all His marvelous works.

When we praise, prison doors open and chains fall off.  Those in bondage will be set free.  Heavens cannot stay silent when children of God praise Him during their distress.  He will quickly come to their aid and deliver them out of all their troubles.  Make known to others the marvelous things that God has done for you.  Let praising God be a continuous process.




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