GOD is your refuge


The eternal God is your refuge and underneath are the everlasting arms. He will drive out your enemies before you, Deuteronomy 33:27 

whenever we are faced with a challenge or a task, we fear failure and refrain from accepting the opportunities, that GOD is bringing into our lives. We give ourselves reasons, that “maybe this was not from GOD”, or I am sure GOD has something better planned for me”, and we miss the opportunity due to the fear we have built-in.

Well, today is the day, when we get over that fear and face our opportunities, with confidence and courage. yes, GOD is our ETERNAL refuge, and we are resting on HIS eternal arms, so do not fear failing, and even if we fail at times, we will be held in HIS everlasting arms, which will put us back on track. Maybe yesterday did not go as planned, but today is a brand new day and GOD will drive out all your inhibitions and strengthen you to face your challenges.

Take one step at a time and keep moving in faith. GOD is ever-present help for us in times of our depression and need. HE will hold you through.


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