God is your safety


Psalm 46:7:  The Lord of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our refuge.  Selah.  (KJV).

God is our source of comfort.  People of God are so fortunate to not have to go looking for Him in high or low places of the earth.  When we call out to Him from where we are, He answers.  He is the One who came down looking for us.  He is the Lord of hosts, the angels obey Him.  The God of Jacob is our refuge.  Refuge means the state of being safe or sheltered from pursuit, danger, or difficulty.  Our God is all of that for us.

There are times when we get scared or anxious of an impending situation.  There are also times when worries seem to buffet us and throw us completely off gear.  Well, in times such as these how do we respond?  We might also go limp due to the myriad of problems that we face everyday in life.  In all these circumstances, just remember that the Lord of hosts is with us and that the God of Jacob is our refuge.  The Lord whom the hosts fear and worship is with us.  The presence of God with us is our safety but fear to the enemies.  Everything that rises against us will be hushed and silenced by just the mere presence of the Lord of hosts.  He will fight for us and give us the victory.

The God of Israel is available for all those who trust Him.  He will part every Red sea kind of a situation for you so that you will safely walk in the midst of it.



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