God is your strength


2 Corinthians 12:9

“My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.”… I will rather boast in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. (NIV)


There are times when we experience storms in our lives. They overwhelm us. Our strength drains and we are exhausted. This problem happens when we rely on our own strengths to face the difficulties.


Paul went through a lot of challenges during his journey around the world to preach the gospel of Lord Jesus Christ. He was beaten up many times, suffered shipwreck, was stuck in the deep sea for days, went without food for days, his health was affected. But Paul rose above his ordeals. Paul showed great endurance as he went through each of these difficulties. He knew God’s grace will take him through everything.

Hardship is temporary. It has a purpose in our lives. God will show His strength through the weakness that we are going through. We will indeed grow in Christ-likeness when God is in the midst of the troubles that we face.

In Romans 8: 28, Paul says that all things work together for good to those who love God.


Dear friends, Trust God completely. His grace will lead you through all the storms of your life. Your weaknesses will be covered by God’s power resting upon you!



  1. Martha Udom
    27 May 2020 08:40:36 Reply

    So blessed 🙏 encourage hearing God word in morning 😘🌞😘. Heavy burden 💪👍 Johnson 🙏 please uplift Maharashtra in your valuable prayers. Right now locust has entered Gujarat and up farmers are in trouble one problem 💪 after another apedmic please pray 🙏🙌 earnestly for our state of Maharashtra.

  2. Jemini Paul
    27 May 2020 13:27:15 Reply

    Yes Pastor we believe
    Your devotional service everyday morning is a strength to each day
    I go out for work with such strength as you prepare
    as to face the day with wonderful words.
    God bless you and your family and your work.

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