God like no other


Psalm 86:8
Among the gods there is none like You, O Lord; nor are there any works like Your works.

It was David who penned this psalm. After he had laid out his petition to the Lord and requested His mercy and grace, he acknowledged God’s sovereign power, which is like no other. David’s honest confession of who His God is – “Among the gods there is none like You“.

The Lord, our God, is Almighty, incomparable in wisdom and eternal in graciousness. None can compare to Him. His love, compassion, mercy, wisdom, providence, and protection for His children are all one of a kind. He is slow to anger and abounding in love. He is the father of us, prodigals.

Throughout the Bible, we witness that our Lord’s way is unique. What seemed impossible for man, kings, and authorities of nations or even other gods was possible by our all-powerful, all-knowing God. In times of desperation, let us remember who our God is and how He cannot be compared to any other because there is none like Him, both in heaven and on earth. He alone deserves all praise from His creation. By praising Him, we proclaim His sovereignty.

Blessed Day Ahead


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