God My Rock


Psalm 18:2 (NKJV): The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer; My God, my strength, in whom I will trust; My shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.

Rocks are known to be strong, stable, and unchanging. They come in different shapes and sizes and are quite useful as a tool of defense. Who is the rock in your life? Have you put your deepest trust in a person or object to keep your safe and secure?

From a young age, David was familiar with rocks. He used them to protect his flock of sheep from prowling lions. He slew the giant Goliath with a single stone. Years later, he found shelter from the blistering sun in the shadow of a rock.

Naturally, David saw God as a rock. In his life, and the lives of his ancestors, God was strong, steadfast, consistent, not easily moved or shaken, and a refuge. He was not just a rock; He was the Rock. And David’s natural instinct in times of distress was to run to the Rock.

There’s no limit to God’s protection for His people, and His ways are manifold. David characterized God’s care (in verse 2) using five military symbols. God is like (1) a rock that can’t be moved (2) a fortress or place of safety where the enemy can’t follow (3) a shield that stands between us and harm (4) a horn of salvation, a symbol of might and power and (5) a stronghold high above our enemies.

The God of all creation wants to be the rock of your life. What is your natural instinct in times of distress? Are you running to an addiction? To an ungodly relationship? Or do you turn to the stars (horoscope)? For the Israelites, God was their only strength, hope, and refuge. Does that hold true for you, too? If not, it’s time to set things right with God.



  1. Nicholas Pink
    26 Apr 2022 05:20:44 Reply

    Thank you lord for being my refuge, praise and thank Jesus for all your blessings lord protect us and guide us from all evil in Jesus name I pray Amen hallelujah 🙌

  2. Sneha Mariam Rajan
    27 Apr 2022 08:00:07 Reply

    God is my rock, my fortress,a horn of salvation,my shield,my strong hold …

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