God My Saviour


Psalm 27:5 (NKJV) – For in the time of trouble He shall hide me in His pavilion; in the secret place of His tabernacle He shall hide me; He shall set me high upon a rock.

Here’s a fact – in successful and good times, many of us forget to take it back to God, to share our joys with Him and thank Him for making it happen.

That being said, during our times of trouble, our knees hit the floor for prayer. We remember to go to God first to ask Him for help and focus on God and His ways.

Why is it that we go to God mostly in times of trouble?

As much as we would like to get help from others but man can only help us to some extent and that too it may involve ‘I scratch your back and you scratch mine’. Their help comes with strings attached, it comes with ‘what’s in it for me’. It is after all man, that we are talking about.

But when we go to God, we go to a strong tower. He is the epitome of wisdom, knowledge, and love; a place of refuge. We run into the arms of our Father where we feel safe. Our God keeps us in the palms of His hands. He hides us against our enemies and fights for us. He is all-knowing and all-powerful. When we read all this, is it foolish to think that the other side amounts to nothing?

Through His never-ending love, He is strong and powerful, through His serving, He is a leader and through His grace and mercy, we have a shelter to go to at any time.


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