God of compassion


Luke 7:13:  And when the Lord saw her, he had compassion on her, and said unto her, weep not.

Jesus is a God of compassion.  It is one of His attributes.  Whenever He saw someone in suffering, He was filled with not just pity but compassion also.  He fulfilled what they lacked.  Here is a widow who has lost her only son and was in much pain and on the way to the burial ground.  When Jesus encountered her, He had compassion for her and gave back her son to her by raising him to life.  This is our Jesus.

We all sympathize with people or feel pity for the situation that they are in.  We don’t take the next step that Jesus did, i.e., compassion.  It is compassion that captured the hearts of the people.  He healed the sick and saved the sinners.  Finally, He died for the sins of the world.  No greater love can be found in anyone other than Jesus.  Yes, He is a compassionate God.  He says to us also not to worry but to believe in Him and go on about this walk of faith in our spiritual journey.  There are so many challenges that we face on a day to day basis, so many heartbreaks from irrational people and relationships.  Let us take all of these things to Jesus and tell Him how we feel.  He will heal our broken spirits and set us free by His compassion.

Come to Jesus for that special touch of God upon your lives.  He will wipe your tears and say, “fear not, I am with you.”  Don’t try to work out your situation on your own.  You need someone to do it for you so that you won’t have to go through it again.  The ever loving and ever forgiving God of love and compassion is waiting to comfort you and give you peace.  Are you ready to accept it?
