God of Covenant


“God is not a man, that He should lie, nor a son of man, that He should repent. Has He said, and will He not do? Or has He spoken, and will He not make it good?” Numbers 23:19

Numbers 22 -24 demonstrate God’s unchanging, promise-keeping, faithful disposition. 

King Balak hires Prophet Balaam to curse the nation of Israel. But the God of Israel keeps him from pronouncing curses on His people. Balaam ends up consistently blessing God’s children. The children of Israel were stubborn and murmuring, yet God was faithful to keep His covenant with them. The Israelites didn’t know about these encounters until later(Joshua 13:22).

God doesn’t waver like a man but maintains the integrity of His word. He will never go back on His word. God doesn’t make any mistake in His commitment to us. He is faithful to bless us and keep His promises to us. His unfailing faithfulness chases after us throughout our lives.

Like the Israelites, we are sheep that keep going astray (Isaiah 53:6). Unless we connect with the Lion of Judah, we float around like flotsam in our life’s journey. When the captain of our lives is Jesus, He is trustworthy to finish what He started in our lives. He is the author and finisher of our faith.  

There is only one perfect man who has never sinned yet was fully man and fully God. Draw on His salvation today and let God’s nature come alive in us. Walk confidently with God without wavering in your commitment to Him. God is on your side as a shield from curses. What the enemy intends for evil, our God of covenant will turn for good for His children!


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