GOD of Greatness


Great Is the Lord and greatly to be praised, and his greatness is unsearchable. Psalm 145:3

It is about the greatness of God, not the significance of man. God made man small and the universe big to say something about himself. John Piper

When we understand the vastness of the universe that we are living in, we will realize how small and negligible we are compared to the magnificence that God has created around us. The word of God tells us that GOD brought the sun, moon and stars into existence, merely by speaking HIS word. He said and it was done. That is the greatness of our God.

His greatness is unfathomable, God can never be understood or even narrowed down into a small definition because He cannot be contained in anything. But, let us ponder on this thought that the God who is uncontainable and unfathomable chose to come down to us in a form that we can relate to and understand, and he chose to die a painful death on that cross for us. What a humble and Holy God we serve.

As His children, we are to practice humbleness, when offended or hurt let us remember our Lord Jesus and dwell on how He handled the offence and the hurts that were hurled upon Him. let us be peacemakers like our father, learn to love despite the anger, and let us make His greatness show forth in our lives. After all, we are His creation and made for His glory, Amen.


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