God of the Impossible


Luke 1:37 NKJV: “For with God nothing is impossible”

For with God nothing is impossible. That is consistent with His nature and perfections, with His counsels, purposes, and promises; He is able to do, and will. – John Gill. God’s word carries the highest form of power and authority. In the beginning, when He spoke, the Earth and everything in it was created – including you and me. As believers in Christ, we belong to – and serve – the God of the impossible.

Luke 1:37 carries the most important announcement in all human history. The conception and incarnation of God in human form. Jesus Christ broke into the universe by doing the impossible (Luke 1:37). God entered His creation (Virgin Mary) as part of it, and without ceasing to be the uncreated God. John Piper. Astounding, isn’t it? Jesus, the Son, was the fulfillment of the Father’s promise in Genesis 3:15.

Every word from God is filled with power. Not a single word of His will fail. The entire Bible is based on one unshakable truth: What God says will happen:

  • The Earth. The moon and stars. Man and woman: It was spoken and formed.
  • A curse. A flood. A great nation: All came to pass.
  • A Redeemer born. A Savior killed. A Victor rose: Just as He said.

When the Angel Gabriel appeared to Mary with the announcement, he provided proof of God’s divine ability. He informed her of Elizabeth’s pregnancy, a fulfillment of God’s promise. In the same way, God wants to remind us that His promises are ‘Yea and Amen’. The Word of the Lord in Isaiah 55:11 says: “So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; It shall not return to Me void, But it shall accomplish what I please, And it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.”

What impossible things are we believing God for in this season? If they are in God’s holy will for us, and aligned with His purposes, they shall come to pass. Trust His timing and His ways. He has a way of working things out exceedingly abundantly above all we could ask or think. Trust the Lord.


One Comment

  1. Ruth
    02 Dec 2021 17:18:06 Reply

    Hallelujah! May our Faith grow stronger and not cold until His coming! Our Prayer that each of us and our loved ones and everyone we know, will abide in Him until His coming. Thank you for your Ministry.

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