God On My Mind


Romans 8:6 “For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.” KJV

Did you know that your mind is a secret weapon? The thoughts you harbour in your mind will determine the quality of this weapon. It can make you or break you based on what you feed it. A healthy mindset can be an advantage while an immoral one can be devastating.

It is well-known that the Lord has the best in store for us. He holds a brilliant future for His people. Unfortunately, not everyone receives His promises. This is primarily because we continue to walk in our own wicked ways, led by our carnal minds. This in turn drives us away from His path of righteousness, thereby delaying our blessings and bringing destruction in the process.

The mind is the most vulnerable part of our body. Our thoughts have the capacity to control and dictate our lives. In light of this, the above verse presents itself both as an appeal as well as a warning. The Lord of the Holy Bible accentuates the importance of developing a healthy mind as we serve the Lord with our minds. God wants us to train and exercise our minds to analyse, reflect and absorb good thoughts. God desires each of us to construct our thoughts in alignment with His will for us. Only a mind with good and praise worthy thoughts has the power to receive God’s blessings. So, it may be correct to say that what we become is the result of what we think.

Our mind is a spiritual battlefield and it is only through Godly thoughts do we accomplish victory. Let us make a commitment today to keep our mind in God, because when He is all, you think of, peace joy and life will surely follow you wherever you go.



  1. Nicholas Pink
    28 Mar 2022 05:48:25 Reply

    Heavenly father I thank you and praise you lord Jesus. Give us your peace and joy in Jesus name I pray Amen hallelujah 🙌 praise God

  2. Dr.Ramakrishna
    28 Mar 2022 07:05:21 Reply

    Praise God
    Thank you Pastor for giving appropriate word today. I pray let eyes be filled wth His Holiness. Let Holyspirit of God lead me into His righteous path. Thank Lord Jesus you have given me nutritious Manna from above through your scripture. Make me your adapted son. Thank you Heavenly Father, lead and guide every step of my today’s work according to your will. In Jesus name i pray for all. Amen. Blessed day Pastor

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