Trust God in the Hard Times


Psalm 115:11 NKJV: “You who fear the Lord, trust in the Lord; He is their help and their shield.”

Psalm 115 – 118 are known as Egyptian Hallel psalms. They are traditionally sung by the Jews during the Passover feast to commemorate Israel’s exodus from Egypt. This Psalm, therefore, would have been sung by our Lord Jesus and His disciples the night He was betrayed.

The theme of this Psalm is trusting in the one true God, Yahweh. At the time, idol worship was widespread in Israel. God’s people had turned over their faith and trust to statues of wood, stone, and metal. Aren’t some of us guilty of the same sin today? We tend to trust in our education degrees, bank accounts, friends in high places, possessions, etc. But if there’s one thing the COVID pandemic has taught us, it is this: trust God in the hard times. Those who trust in Him will experience His faithfulness.

Israel’s unfaithfulness to God brought judgement and punishment (Isaiah 31:1-3). Therefore. knowing the folly of trusting idols should renew our trust in God. Not just trusting Him but placing our confidence in Him. It should compel us to look to Him as our help and shield. During the storms of life, it is easier to depend on earthly sources for help. But God is the only trustworthy and dependable source of our protection; He has the words of eternal life (John 6:68).

Today, let us sing and declare that God is our firm foundation. Time and again He delivered Israel from its enemies. He will gladly do the same for us if we just trust Him in the hard times.



  1. Sujit Mukund
    30 Nov 2021 09:01:49 Reply

    We live in a flat, total no of flats 40.
    Two years have passed with the presence of COVID.
    Almost 50% of the families got affected by this virus.
    We are a family of 4 adults.
    We have been in close proximity to the affected ones.
    The Lord’s love and his shield has protected my family and will always.
    I trust the lord in hard and good times.
    Thank you lord in good and bad times.
    Our lord will Never Forsake us

    • Bethel Team
      01 Dec 2021 19:28:01 Reply

      That’s a wonderful testimony, dear brother in Christ. Truly, our Lord has been your help and shield. Our team will be praying for continued strength and favour from the Lord.

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