God Our Refuge


Psalms 16:8  I have set the Lord always before me; Because He is at my right hand I shall not be moved.

Mordecai was the uncle of Queen Esther. She was married to King Xerxes, who ruled over 127 provinces. One of those provinces was India!

Mordecai, a devout follower of the Lord, refused to bow before anyone apart from the God he worshipped.

At that time, Haman was the king’s right-hand man. Even when the royal officials bowed before Haman, Mordecai refused to do so. This annoyed Haman, who had little humility and large insecurity.

Haman influenced the king to wipe out the Jews from his kingdom. It was his way of getting back at Mordecai for not bowing before him.

Of course, Haman believed that nothing could go wrong because he was the king’s right-hand man. But he did not know that Mordecai had set the Lord always before him. And he could not be moved because The Almighty was at his right hand.

One evening, Haman had a pole erected to hang Mordecai, whom he believed would be the first among the Jews to face execution.

But, the Lord stepped in and changed the king’s heart through Esther.

The very next day, instead of being hanged to death, Mordecai was exalted by the king and Haman was executed in his place.

When we are faithful to God, He will turn even the most hopeless situation in our favour.

As the Psalmist says,

“A thousand may fall at your side,
And ten thousand at your right hand;
But it shall not come near you.”  – Psalms 91:7


One Comment

  1. Veena
    07 Feb 2019 07:13:47 Reply

    Very strong principles of a Christian walk…!!
    Thank you for The Word and the explanation 🙂

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