God, our Shadow


Psalm 121:5:  The Lord is your keeper; the Lord is your shade at your right hand.

God watches over His people.  He keeps them safe and secure.  He is like a shadow to His people to keep them comfortable from the scorching sun and to refresh them.

A shady spot on a hot summer’s day is a big relief for those traveling by road.  They would want to spend some time by the shade and move on.  They will be so relieved to have experienced some cool air amidst the fiery heat of the sun and its heat wave.  Similarly if God is our shade, how much more relief can we find?  He is there at our side vowing to protect and keep us safe from all kinds of enemies.  The scripture says that even though a thousand may fall at our side and ten thousand at our right hand, none of these things will come near us.  Disaster or anything similar to that may strike others, but those who have made God as their keeper will not suffer anything of that sort.  We need not fear any harm because we have made Him our Protector.  He never slumbers nor sleeps.

May God be our guide and deliverer.  We can rest assured by enjoying His presence with us and hoping and trusting Him to defeat our enemies and to help us stay calm and relaxed in the burning issues of our life since He acts as our shadow.


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