God Protects Us


1 John 5:18 (NKJV) – “We know that whoever is born of God does not sin; but he who has been born of God keeps himself, and the wicked one does not touch him.”

When we are born into this world we are born into a world of sin and we are born in sin. When we learn about God and are born again in Christ, we are born again and washed clean of our sins because Jesus paid the price for our sins on the cross. Through Him we are born again free of sin. Does that mean that we will sin no more? No, it does not. Our human nature will continue to be temped and sometimes we may give in to those temptations. At those times we must look to God, confess our sins and seek His forgiveness.

2 corinthians 5:17 says when we believe in Christ and are born again, Jesus wipes out our past and cleanses us of our sins. When we accept Christ as our personal Savior and repent of our sins, we receive eternal life.

When we have Christ in our hearts, the Devil cannot come near us or do us any harm. When our past life of sin is washed away by Jesus, the Devil has no control over us. Whatever the devil throws at us, we live in the promises of God that He will fight the spiritual battles for us, His children.

Believe in the Lord Jesus, be born again in Him and He will give you the wisdom and discernment to stay away from sin and guide you in the path He has planned for you.


One Comment

  1. Shivaram
    19 Mar 2021 07:24:13 Reply

    Amen..Praise to the LORD Almighty Loving Gracious Father GOD.

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