
For GOD loved the world so much that He gave HIS only SON so that anyone who believes in HIM, shall not perish, but have eternal life     John 3:16 (The Living Bible)

This verse from the Bible, is the confidence of every believer in Christ.  

It was Tina’s 19th Birthday, she was all excited spending the day with her friends at a restaurant, when she receives a call that her father is sick and hospitalised.  Tina and her friends rush to the hospital, just to hear from the doctor that her father needs a Kidney transplant immediately, for them to save his life, so Tina and her family decide to check her compatibility of medical factors for the transplant, as Tina lay  on the hospital bed to be examined for the transplant, she asked the doctor, in a state of panic and confusion ̈will he survive and be back up again if my medical factors are compatible? And the doctor said, we are not sure, we are trying our best. This answer put the entire family under a wave of doubt, should Tina risk her life, for such uncertainty?

Our God was posed with a similar question, when He gave up  His only begotten Son. We don’t risk parting ways with our prized possessions, for anyone or anything. In fact, when a lady came to Jesus with an alabaster Jar of costly perfume and poured it at HIS feet, one of the disciples of Jesus, questioned “was this necessary?, it was such a costly perfume. ´´

But our God did not think twice, before giving us HIS most prized possession, HIS Only SON JESUS. Never once did God doubt us. His confidence that we will find our way to our saviour was so strong, that you reading this devotion today, proves it.



  1. Sheela
    01 Jul 2019 22:56:10 Reply

    Beautiful thought that God never doubted us.
    I have read through this scripture so many times, but first time I m going through an explantion like this.
    Makes us think so much about God’s love.
    Thank u for sharing

    • Bethel Team
      12 Jul 2019 11:31:54 Reply

      Dear Sister Sheela,
      We are so glad to know that you are blessed through the exposition of this particular scripture. May God continue to Bless your life and surround you with His Love each day!

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