God who stays


Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts. James 4:8

James, the author of this book, was also the brother of Jesus. Being in the same household, he probably got a closer look at Jesus’s life than any other disciples. Yet, he never believed that Jesus was the Messiah when the Lord was here, on earth. In fact, during Jesus’s ministry, none of His siblings understood His purpose(John 7:1-10). But subsequently, James calls himself a servant of Jesus Christ(James 1:1).

How is our relationship with God? We surely want the Almighty God on our side during the trials and triumphs of our lives. But do we run away from this Holy God when we pursue a sinful lifestyle? How long can we hide from the God who knows us deeply? No earthly friend can compare to a friendship with God. Promises made by our friends will fail. However, God’s word will always fulfil what He has purposed to do. You may be in miry clay or on a throne but draw near to God to find your purpose.

We easily fall short every day in our walk with God. Nevertheless, we can transform with the Holy Spirit, who will help us purify our thoughts and cleanse our character. Three steps to follow in our walk with God are to humble ourselves(James 4:6), submit to God’s ways and resist the devil(James 4:7). God will then draw near since our hands(external behavior) and hearts(thoughts) are right with Him.

We learn from James 4 that friendship with God trumps any other. Our love for God is measured in our obedience to His commandments(John 14:15). God’s presence is full of lasting joy and pleasures forever more(Psalm 16:11). Allow Him to be your friend today because He is the God who stays!


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