God will fight our battles


Psalm 121: 7-8  The Lord shall preserve you from all evil; He shall preserve your soul. The Lord shall preserve your going out and your coming in, From this time forth, and even forevermore.


Samuel was dedicated to the Lord’s ministry at a very tender age. His mother Hannah visited him once a year with a coat that she made with fabric and a whole lot of love.

But, can you imagine the life of young Samuel? He probably thought about his family every day. Maybe he was hurt that he did not have parents to shower him with love. It was the perfect recipe for satan to drive him to sin. After all, he was witness to the decimation of the church by Hophni and Phinehas on a daily basis.

He was not mature enough to choose right from wrong. His only mentor was Eli, the priest of the temple, who could not raise his own sons to live a life of integrity. What chance did Samuel have to become a great prophet?

Some would say no chance at all. But, God had chosen Samuel before his birth, when Hannah promised to dedicate her first born son to the Temple of God. Against all odds, Samuel grew to forge an unending relationship with God. He went on to anoint Israel’s greatest king in David and was a constant source of encouragement to him during adversity.

The same God who shielded Samuel from all evil, promises to do the same for us! By no means does that suggest we will be free from the devices of the devil. It only means that God will fight our battles when we put on the Armour of God (Ephesians 6: 10-18) and call on His name.

There is power in the name of the Lord Jesus. Such mighty power that satan trembles at the sound of His name. Don’t lose heart when situations are bad. Just call on His name and you will receive divine strength and protection to overcome your problem!





  1. k L Rocky y
    09 Dec 2019 10:16:46 Reply

    Thank you for sharing the word of God, please pray for me my family ,m going through many hardship between me n my wife, everyday is a sad day for me,I don’t know but I don’t end up a single day with peace in my mind, please please don’t forget to remember in your church prayers.

  2. Devadass
    09 Dec 2019 11:21:47 Reply

    This message on daily basis Is like boost to my mind & soul, Thant u pastors

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