God’s Abounding Glory


Psalms: 71:14-15 “But I will hope continually, and will yet praise thee more and more. My mouth shall shew forth thy righteousness and thy salvation all the day; for I know not the numbers thereof.” KJV

In life there are very few guarantees, and they too come with conditions and expiry dates.

We may have many friends and close relatives who we can turn to, in times of trouble; however, they are also limited in their abilities. They can only help us to a certain extent, beyond which we are on our own. Are you still searching for some one or something that you can hold on to and rely on at all times? Then look no further.

The above verse gives us a sneak peek into God’s infinite character. In this psalm, King David confesses to all that the wonders of the Lord are so intense and powerful that He is worthy of ceaseless praise. He further acknowledges God’s righteousness and salvation.

This verse may be from the Old Testament, but holds good even today. When we look at our lives and think of all the great things the Lord has done, we lose count. His blessings and mercies are new every day. He bestows upon us a portion of His grace on a daily basis, without which we are inadequate.

We serve a limitless God. The only way we can limit Him in our lives is by unbelief. Are you willing to believe that the Lord who King David knew and praised is your God too? He is alive and working in your life. All you have to do is believe and give Him a tiny place in your heart and see that he is able to do exceedingly abundantly more than what we can ask, think or imagine.



  1. Ma Victoria Dela Torre
    30 Mar 2022 05:48:34 Reply

    Praise God! Thank you, Lord for this timely message for me & to be shared!
    This is the scriptural verse my daughter’s hold on during her board exams. Glory to God, she passed it! She is a deaf, but nothing is impossible with God! Praying for a future Christian husband who loves the Lord!
    Thank you. More God’s power in this ministry!

  2. Nicholas Pink
    30 Mar 2022 06:51:09 Reply

    Yes lord I believe you are the only one who can make everything possible in our lives. I praise you and thank you for everything Amen 🙏 Hallelujah 🙌

  3. Pankaja Rajashekar
    30 Mar 2022 07:01:04 Reply

    Thank you Lord for your concern about me,loving me ,taking Care about me in every second 🙌🙌🙌🙏🏼 Amen and Amen

  4. Funke Titilayo Shodeinde
    30 Mar 2022 10:56:25 Reply

    The text has reminded me never to give up in hoping continually in God for me , my country and my siblings and their families. To hold on in faith for only God makes a way His way His time. Many times I just despair over my many inadequacies.

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