God’s Emergency Room


Psalm 147:3– “He heals the broken hearted and binds up their wounds.”

Most of us have experienced a broken heart: have felt sorrow, grief or disappointment; these are almost unescapable feelings in our lifetime here on earth.  Sometimes due to our own poor choices, sometimes the result of something done by someone else.   And as a consequence, these experiences cause scars in our emotional heart.

The good news is that our hearts do not need to remain in that state because we have a loving God and Father who freely and willingly binds and heals all these wounds, as many times as needed.  The process can be painful since it requires us to go through that procedure, but the result is always of relief and renewal.

Our God exchanges our sorrow for gladness; our grief for peace and comfort; our disappointment for forgiveness. He is a God of not just second, but multiple chances.  He makes all things new all the time, He is dynamic, He breathes life into us, again, and again.

Our wounds do not need to stay open, infected, we simply have to present our hurts, our grief, our disappointments to Him who poured out His blood to heal us of all our wounds; He pours His anointing oil over us to bring us healing; He changes our heart of stone and gives us a heart of flesh.

He gives us hope and heals us. And that is why we have so much reason to Praise Him! And all He wants in return is that we fear Him.  In fact, Psalm 147:11 reads “the Lord delights in those who fear Him, who put their hope in His unfailing love.”

Praise the Lord! For His goodness for us and towards us – endures forever! Amen!


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