God’s Everlasting Mercy to the Undeserving


For the Lord is good; His mercy is everlasting, And His truth endures to all generations. Psalm 100:5

Many countries in the world have a system in their law where a person under trial can file a Mercy Petition, before the head of the country, asking to show him/her mercy. This request will then be reviewed, and the person may be granted or rejected mercy. Some countries may not even have such liberty in their judicial system. There are limits to the mercy of a judicial system.

But, the mercy of God breaks all the rules of a worldly judicial system. It is overflowing and everlasting. There are no amendments to the mercy of God like an amendment in the judicial system.

We can be confident that no matter how undeserving we may be of His mercy or how deeply we are in sin, His mercy is truly the light at the end of our dark tunnel. Once we decide to move from our darkness into God’s light, His mercy will take us through. Unlike the mercy of the world, the Lord’s Mercy is everlasting.

Today, let us move into the loving presence of God with the confidence that His Everlasting Mercy will take away the burden that we carry in our hearts.






  1. Precilla Dsouza
    02 Jul 2020 12:57:56 Reply

    Thank you Father God for your loving presence & Everlasting Mercy which you blessed us Amen.

  2. Anita
    03 Jul 2020 15:29:36 Reply

    All your messages are really nice and today I saw your march 1st 2020 message it was answer to my long standing prayer to god thank you may God bless your family and be helpful yo people like us through your ministry

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