God’s Greatest Gift


Romans 8:32

“He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things?”

We all love giving and receiving gifts. While a child may be thrilled to receive a gift, the parents also take great joy in selecting and giving the right gift. They derive great satisfaction from seeing the child’s delight when unwrapping the gift. The ultimate gift ever given was the life of our Lord Jesus Christ – to save us from our sins.

Crucifixion is a gruesome way to die, but Jesus Christ overcame death and rose again – delivering us from our sins and paving the way for us to have eternal life. God’s generosity is immeasurable and beyond comparison. He didn’t spare His own Son from death but gave Him up to save us. He gave us the gift of salvation, and we can receive it freely just by believing in Him.

You can trust the One who loved you so much that He gave His only beloved Son for you. He’s redeemed your life and saved you from the depths of eternal darkness. Will He not also sustain the life He saved? Will He not give you everything you need to live the abundant life He’s promised? Rest in God’s love today, and hold on to His promises over your life. He will bring them to pass – for your good and His glory.


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