God’s Independence Day


Romans 8:21 – Because the creature itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God.

Most Indians have celebrated Independence Day in their lifetime. The hoisting of the tricolor, the sound of patriotism, the stories of how we won our freedom from the British, the salutation to our unsung heroes and watching the parade on TV is familiar on this day.

However, an Independence Day celebration approaches that will include and impress the whole world! We don’t know the date and shouldn’t believe anyone who tells us they do. But, no one on earth or in heaven will miss its importance, and it will mark a day of freedom from the greatest oppressor ever – Satan.

It is the day of the return of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! It is the beginning of real freedom, like no one has ever had before (except Adam and Eve before they sinned). Those who have believed in Christ’s atoning blood for their sins and have trusted and believed in Him, might have what an old preacher used to call “a Hallelujah breakdown!”

This Independence Day will release Christians from the many sins that keep them entangled. Imagine, no more sickness, no more addictions, no more gossip, no more unkindness, no more anything that does not reflect the positive attributes of the love of our Father God and our Lord Jesus Christ.

Currently, we have the Holy Spirit to guide us, to strengthen us, to comfort us, and to give us power through Christ’s death and resurrection. However, we are still tripped up by sin as long as we live in this fallen world. When Jesus comes, all our ungodliness along with our negative baggage goes away. Can you think of a better freedom than that?

Happy Independence Day!


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