God’s Nature


Psalm 36:6 – “Your righteousness is like the mountains of God; your judgments are like the great deep; man and beast you save, O Lord.”

This scripture gives us an insight to our nature. We all have our good sides when we read the Bible, listen to a preach, or stay in touch with God. And then, we also have a bad side to us, when we don’t follow the Holy Spirit and rather go with what our flesh wants at times. This side makes Christian life difficult for us. When we go through the latter times, we will believe that we do no done wrong.

This scripture then provides an insight into the nature of God. It tells us to look at our world: the clouds in the sky, the mountains and seas to remind us about what God is like. When we see the sky, we can remember the kind love of God. The mercy of God reaches the height of Heavens. The Word speaks of the mercy and lovingkindness (the unfailing love) of God. When we see the clouds in the sky we must remember His truth, which means that God will do what He promised. The covenant God of Israel is faithful. When we see the tall mountains, we must remember that God is more than good. We see the goodness of God in the way He cares for His creatures. His creation has enough provision for the needs of all those He created. The word that describes the goodness of God is ‘righteousness’. Righteousness means that God always does what is right, never what is wrong. Finally, when we look at the deep sea, we must remember the judgement of God, His justice. God’s justice means that what is right and fair will happen in the end.

Everyone has bad thoughts, not only bad people. Therefore, we must ask God for help. God’s judgment is made after deep consideration, God’s love is dramatic, God’s loyalty is unbeatable, God’s purpose is colossal. He will never let one of His children slip through the cracks caused by evil. He will always be there to lift us back up!
